Thread Lines


Exposición colectiva que reúne propuestas en torno al dibujo y el textil
Organizada por The Drawing Center, Nueva York

curadora Joanna Kleinberg Romanow
The Drawing Center, Nueva York, Estados Unidos
19 septiembre – 14 diciembre 2014

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Esta exposición colectiva contradice la idea de que el dibujo es simplemente poner la pluma sobre el papel, enmarcándolo en cambio, como un acto de composición abierta en la que las líneas pueden ser tejidas, cosidas, tejidas a punto, incluso encarnadas. Incluyendo a dieciséis artistas contemporáneos que utilizan el textil en una variedad de formatos (bordado, tejido, collage, y performance), la exposición pone de relieve las posibilidades expresivas y conceptuales de la línea, con un énfasis en su elaboración.

Las obras seleccionadas invocan muchas características asociadas históricamente con el medio del dibujo; sin embargo, la aplicación de la materia textil da a luz una nueva hibridación en la que los objetos creados, utilizando las técnicas y los materiales extraídos de la manualidad, dan como resultado líneas independientes del plano de la imagen, líneas de lectura en una escala sin precedentes, y líneas que se extienden en el espacio real –un espacio social colectivo–. Para algunos artistas, las funciones de la línea son una extensión directa del cuerpo –un acto performativo o evento participativo–.

Otros trabajan en la abstracción; otros usan la línea como un medio de abordar asuntos relativos al género, la narrativa personal, y la política. Si bien esta exposición es necesariamente limitada en su alcance, refleja una tendencia generalizada que se ha desarrollado durante décadas y continúa propulsando el medio del dibujo.

Lista de artistas participantes: Mónica Bengoa (1969, Santiago, Chile), Louise Bourgeois (1911, París, Francia – 2010, New York, NY), Sheila Hicks (1934, Hastings, NE), Ellen Lesperance (1971, Minneapolis, MN), Kimsooja (1957, Daegu, Corea), Beryl Korot (1945, Nueva York, NY), Maria Lai (1919, Ulassai, Cerdeña – 2013, Cardedu, Cerdeña), Sam Moyer (1983, Chicago, IL), William J. O’Brien (1975, Eastlake, OH), Robert Otto Epstein (1979, Pittsburgh, PA), Jessica Rankin (1971, Sydney, Australia), Elaine Reichek (1943, Nueva York, NY), Drew Shiflett (1951, Chicago, IL), Alan Shields (1944, Herington, KS – 2005, Refugio Island, NY), Lenore Tawney (1907, Lorain, OH – 2007, New York, NY), y Anne Wilson (1949, Detroit, MI).

Thread Lines ha sido posible gracias al apoyo de Richloom Fabrics Group, Fiona y Eric Rudin, Daniel Romanow, The Capital Group, Fundación Lenore Tawney G., Ambach & Rice, y Lesley Heller.


Obra exhibida:

one hundred and sixty three shades of yellow, green, orange, red, purple, brown, grey and blue (so far)


Thread Lines

Group exhibition featuring sixteen contemporary artists who use textile and drawing
Organized by The Drawing Center, New York

Curator Joanna Kleinberg R.
The Drawing Center, NY, U.S.
September 19th – December 14th, 2014

Go to The Drawing Center site


This group exhibition disabuses the idea that drawing is simply putting pen to paper, framing it instead as an open-ended act in which lines can be woven, stitched, knit, even embodied. Featuring sixteen contemporary artists who use textile in a variety of formats (embroidery, weaving, collage, and performance), the exhibition highlights the expressive and conceptual possibilities of line, with an emphasis on its making. The works selected invoke many characteristics long associated with the drawn medium; however, the application of textile brings forth a new hybridity in which the objects created, using the techniques and materials drawn from craft, result in lines detached from the picture plane, lines read on an unprecedentedly large scale, and lines that extend into real space —a collective, social space—. For some artists, the line functions as a direct extension of the body —a performative act or participatory event—. Others work in abstraction; still others use the line as a means of addressing gender, personal narrative, and politics. While this exhibition is necessarily limited in scope, it reflects a widespread tendency that has developed over decades and continues to propel the drawn medium forward.

List of Participating Artists: Mónica Bengoa (b. 1969, Santiago, Chile), Louise Bourgeois (b. 1911, Paris, France – d. 2010, New York, NY), Sheila Hicks (b. 1934, Hastings, NE), Ellen Lesperance (b. 1971, Minneapolis, MN), Kimsooja (b. 1957, Taegu, Korea), Beryl Korot (b. 1945, New York, NY), Maria Lai (b. 1919, Ulassai, Sardinia – d. 2013, Cardedu, Sardinia), Sam Moyer (b. 1983, Chicago, IL), William J. O’Brien (b. 1975, Eastlake, OH), Robert Otto Epstein (b. 1979, Pittsburgh, PA), Jessica Rankin (b. 1971, Sydney, Australia), Elaine Reichek (b. 1943, New York, NY), Drew Shiflett (b. 1951, Chicago, IL), Alan Shields (b. 1944, Herington, KS – d. 2005, Shelter Island, NY), Lenore Tawney (b. 1907, Lorain, OH – d. 2007, New York, NY), and Anne Wilson (b. 1949, Detroit, MI).

Thread Lines is made possible by the support of Richloom Fabrics Group, Fiona and Eric Rudin, Daniel Romanow, The Capital Group, the Lenore G. Tawney Foundation, Ambach & Rice, and Lesley Heller.


Exhibited work:

one hundred and sixty three shades of yellow, green, orange, red, purple, brown, grey and blue (so far)