Thread Lines

Exposición colectiva que reúne propuestas en torno al dibujo y el textil
Organizada por The Drawing Center, Nueva York

curadora Joanna Kleinberg Romanow
Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft, Louisville, Estados Unidos
29 abril – 06 agosto 2017


Esta exposición colectiva cuenta con quince artistas que se dedican a coser, bordar y tejer para crear una amplia gama de obras que activan el potencial expresivo y conceptual de la «línea», iluminando afinidades entre los medios textiles y el dibujo. Multi-generacional en su alcance, “Thread Lines” reúne a los pioneros que –desafiando jerarquías modernistas atrincheradas– primero desenredan la distinción entre el textil y el arte con una nueva ola de profesionales contemporáneos que han heredado y ampliado sus gestos innovadores.

Lista de artistas participantes: Mónica Bengoa (1969, Santiago de Chile), Louise Bourgeois (1911, París, Francia – 2010, Nueva York, NY), Sheila Hicks (1934, Hastings, NE), Ellen Lesperance (1971, Minneapolis, MN), Kimsooja (1957, Taegu, Corea), Beryl Korot (1945, Nueva York, NY), María Lai (1919, Ulassai, Cerdeña – 2013, Cardedu, Cerdeña), Sam Moyer (1983, Chicago, IL), William J. O’Brien (1975, Eastlake, OH), Robert Otto Epstein (1979, Pittsburgh, PA), Jessica Rankin (1971, Sydney, Australia), Elaine Reichek (1943, Nueva York, NY), Drew Shiflett (1951, Chicago, IL), Alan Shields (1944, Herington, KS . 2005, Shelter Island, NY), Lenore Tawney (1907, Lorain, OH – 2007, Nueva York, NY) y Anne Wilson (1949, Detroit, MI).


Obra exhibida:

one hundred and sixty three shades of yellow, green, orange, red, purple, brown, grey and blue (so far)


Thread Lines

Group exhibition featuring sixteen contemporary artists who use textile and drawing
Organized by The Drawing Center, New York

curator Joanna Kleinberg R.
Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft, Louisville, U.S.
29 April – 06 August 2017


This group exhibition features fifteen artists who engage in sewing, knitting, and weaving to create a wide-range of works that activate the expressive and conceptual potential of line and illuminate affinities between the mediums of textile and drawing. Multi-generational in scope, “Thread Lines” brings together those pioneers who —challenging entrenched modernist hierarchies— first unraveled the distinction between textile and art with a new wave of contemporary practitioners who have inherited and expanded upon their groundbreaking gestures.

List of Participating Artists: Mónica Bengoa (b. 1969, Santiago, Chile), Louise Bourgeois (b. 1911, Paris, France – d. 2010, New York, NY), Sheila Hicks (b. 1934, Hastings, NE), Ellen Lesperance (b. 1971, Minneapolis, MN), Kimsooja (b. 1957, Taegu, Korea), Beryl Korot (b. 1945, New York, NY), Maria Lai (b. 1919, Ulassai, Sardinia – d. 2013, Cardedu, Sardinia), Sam Moyer (b. 1983, Chicago, IL), William J. O’Brien (b. 1975, Eastlake, OH), Robert Otto Epstein (b. 1979, Pittsburgh, PA), Jessica Rankin (b. 1971, Sydney, Australia), Elaine Reichek (b. 1943, New York, NY), Drew Shiflett (b. 1951, Chicago, IL), Alan Shields (b. 1944, Herington, KS – d. 2005, Shelter Island, NY), Lenore Tawney (b. 1907, Lorain, OH – d. 2007, New York, NY), and Anne Wilson (b. 1949, Detroit, MI).


Exhibited work:

one hundred and sixty three shades of yellow, green, orange, red, purple, brown, grey and blue (so far)